I don't know why, but, I feel sad right now. I wanted my birthday can be the best day this year. But, I don't think like that. I was angry! Really really angry when my best friends, forget about it. I was sad and dissppointed until now.
Yeah, I now, cristian, ceppy, my parents, my family, rizka, jupe inez, putri, my boyfriend and some friends say "happy brithday" to me and give me some surprise, but, it can't be perfect without devi, arin, mamel, atoel, ijunk and nadya. I love you guys, But, I don't wish that you read this. I just want write this and tell it , and I don't know to who!
Dear, fashion blogger.
You know what, I know I'm a bad person. I know I can't show how much I love all my best friend and all people around me,
I'm just understand that how to dress, how to get perfect look, how to get better look everyday.
I don't know how to believe someone, I'm just really know that my shoes, my clothes my accessories will never, ever hurt me, dissppointed me and if I feel bored with all of this, I can change everythings I want.